October 2019 D2L Updates

As part of our continuous release schedule, D2L has updated a handful of tools to improve the user experience across tools. For instructors, this means that certain workflows and/or iconography you are used to may have changed. This month’s update included more changes than usual, so we have compiled a summary for you to see […]

What is D2L Activity Feed and where did D2L News Go?

What is Activity Feed? Activity Feed is a new widget that provides instructors with a quick an easy way to engage with students. You’ll notice that it borrows features from familiar social media platforms. It also provides instructors with an easy way to share class announcements, files, links to existing activities like quizzes. What makes this […]

Does impersonating a student in Panopto actually show what students see?

Only D2L admins can impersonate students in D2L. Impersonating a student in Panopto does show you what the student sees, but sometimes when you impersonate the student, Panopto doesn’t take the change right away. To be sure that the change takes: Impersonate the student Open Panopto from the course. Log out of Panopto. When prompted […]

Why can’t I find an older course in D2L?

Per DePaul University’s Records and Retention Policy, Information Services/Faculty Instructional Technology Services retains online instructor materials for a minimum of five years from the end of the course. Materials may be available after that five-year period, but instructors should not depend on such availability. The records and retention policy was updated during Autumn Quarter of […]