Why am I enrolled in School of Design and/or SCA Central?

These “courses” are both communication platforms for the School of Design (School of Design Central) and the School of Cinematic Arts (SCA Central).  These portals are set up as a one-stop place for important information about the School and include information about upcoming events as well as a space to find out about internships and […]

How do I embed a Twitter timeline, or collection of tweets, in my D2L course?

The process for embedding a Twitter timeline in a D2L course consists of three main steps: Generate a Twitter timeline. Create a HTML file in your D2L course. Paste the Twitter timeline embed code into the HTML file in your D2L course. First, generate a Twitter timeline, or collection of tweets. Twitter will help you […]

January D2L Update (10.8.9):Submissions – Improvements to Submission List view | Updated

When accessing submissions, users will have the ability to opt into the new Submission List experience.  Previously instructors would see information on the assignment name, Total Submissions, Unread Submissions, Flagged Submissions, and Due Date. In the new experience, instructors see information on the assignment name, the number of learners who have completed the assignment, the […]