The software titles available on PC classroom and lab computers at DePaul are listed on this page. A list of PC classrooms on both of DePaul’s campuses is found on this page. Please note that Information Services (IS) manages the software titles available on PC classroom and lab computers.
Category: Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to add audio files to a VoiceThread presentation?
Yes, it is possible to add audio files to a VoiceThread presentation. The audio files must be MP3 or WAV format. You can read a detailed description of the VoiceThread accepted file types here. For more information on integrating VoiceThread into your D2L courses, please see our VoiceThread guide.
Is there a way to recover a deleted a module in the Content area of a D2L course?
Unfortunately there is not a way to recover a deleted module in the Content area of a D2L course.
Can I export Grades from D2L?
Yes, you can export Grades from D2L. To do so, you follow these steps: Navigate to the Grades area of your course. Navigate to the Enter Grades area. (NOTE: Most users are taken to the Enter Grades area by default.) Click the Export button. Select the kinds of information you would like included in the […]
Why is the Content area of my D2L course arranged by headings I am unable to edit?
By default, the Content area of your D2L course is arranged in the modules and submodules you create and title. However, it’s also possible to arrange the items in the Content area of your D2L course based on type. When the arrange by type setting is enabled, items are organized based on type or tool, […]
How do hidden D2L Submission folders display in the Content area of a course?
Hidden Submission folders will display in Draft mode in the Content area of a D2L course. When items are set to Draft in the Content area of a course, they are not visible to students within the Content area or in the Submissions area: If the Submission folder is Published via the Content […]
Can D2L Virtual Classroom sessions (powered by YouSeeU) be run by a designated student?
No, D2L Virtual Classroom sessions (powered by YouSeeU) cannot be run by a designated student. If you are looking for help facilitating student-to-student synchronous collaboration, please contact and an Instructional Technology Consultant (ITC) can help you to choose the best tool for your circumstances. You can read more about D2L Virtual Classrooms in our […]
Can you export a D2L course in a way that makes it importable in other Learning Management Systems?
Unfortunately there isn’t a way to export an entire course from D2L in a way that is cross Learning Management System (LMS) capable. This is because there isn’t a way to export D2L courses with a common LMS extension. When you export your course from D2L its come in a IMSCP-compliant zip file. You can […]
How do I manage VoiceThread notifications?
VoiceThread maintains instructions for managing VoiceThread notifications, and those instructions are found here. By default users are subscribed to a daily digest notification email, as well as instant email notifications for every time someone records a comment on a VoiceThread they are affiliated with (via owning, commenting, subscribing, or sharing). It is possible to opt out […]
Can I enable audio to play on PowerPoints uploaded to D2L Content modules?
It isn’t possible to enable embedded audio to play on a PowerPoint file uploaded to a D2L Content module. If you want your PowerPoint to play with embedded audio, you will need to transform the PowerPoint into a video file prior to uploading. Instructions for exporting and saving PowerPoints as video files can be found […]