Most modern Web browses (including Chrome, Firefox and Edge) no longer support certain types of plugins, known as NPAPI plugins. It is the lack of support for the NPAPI plugins which is preventing you from adding an attachment when using the Outlook Web version (OWA). The University is in the process of migrating users to […]
What happens if I enable Turnitin after students have submitted to a Submission folder?
If you enable Originality Checking (Turnitin) after students have submitted files to the Submission folder, you will need to manually submit files for checking. This is the case even if you choose “Automatic originality checking on all submissions” during setup. These are instructions for manually submitting files for checking: Navigate to the Submissions area of […]
Is it possible to do blind marking via the D2L Submission folders?
Unfortunately there isn’t a super easy way to do blind marking via D2L Submission folders. This has been a feature request with D2L for a while, as we know that many instructors (and especially Law instructors) would especially benefit from this option. However, there is a workaround method. It’s possible to download all the Submission […]
What is the difference between Discussion icons in the Grades area of D2L?
In the D2L Grades area you might notice two types of conversation bubbles, or Discussion-related icons: The first set of conversation bubbles (depicted in dark gray) indicate that there are discussion posts from the student that have already been marked as read in the Discussions tool area. The next set of green and orange conversation […]
Why can’t I delete a D2L checklist?
If a Checklist is locked from deletion, it is likely linked to the Calendar tool. These are steps you can take to remove the link to the Calendar, therefore unlocking the Checklist so it can be deleted: Navigate to the Checklist area of your course. Locate the Checklist you would like to delete, and click […]
October 10.7.6 Update: Editing Course Images
Beginning with the October 10.7.6 update, users with permission to change course images can now change the course image using the Course Image Library or Upload File options via the My Courses widget actions menu and Course Image banner.
Why doesn’t VoiceThread work in Safari?
VoiceThread has transitioned from Flash to HTML5. Since Safari is not HTML5 compliant, VoiceThread will no longer work properly when using this browser. If you try to open VoiceThread while using Safari, it will give you a black screen. In Internet Explorer and Edge, you can still view VoiceThreads – you just can’t add a […]
What happened to my JavaScript?
JavaScript is stripped from all HTML files uploaded to D2L. This includes files uploaded as submissions to a Submission folder. For student work that includes files with JavaScript, it is recommended that the files be zipped prior to uploading in order to preserve the code.
Why don’t tables display properly in the D2L document viewer?
Word documents with large tables/charts embedded in them may not display properly in the document viewer inside D2L. This includes on the grading screen, and this is a known issue. If it is important that these items display as intended, it is recommended that the files be saved and uploaded as PDF files. Please note […]
How do I facilitate group quizzes in D2L?
Unlike Submission folders, there is no group setting for Quizzes. In order to facilitate a group quiz in D2L, have one student from the group take the quiz. Then, manually input that score for the rest of the group members in the Grades area of D2L. It is possible to sort the Grades area based on […]