Can I hide a Panopto video from students?

Yes. You can hide the video within the Panopto folder, by using the video’s availability settings. Changing a Panopto Video’s Availability Settings Navigate to the appropriate Panopto folder. Locate the video you would like to hide. Choose the Settings icon beneath the video. The Overview section will open. Scroll to the Availability area, located at […]

Why don’t I receive instant D2L Discussion notifications by email?

In order to receive instant D2L Discussion notifications via email, you need to subscribe to Discussion Forums and Topics in the Discussions area of a course, and apply the appropriate Instant Notification settings in the Notifications area of your D2L profile. It is likely that you have not yet applied the necessary Instant Notification settings […]

Why am I getting an “Oops, your file could not be uploaded” error message in D2L?

If you are getting the “Oops, your file could not be uploaded” error message in D2L, there could be a few reasons why. Your file or folder name contains special characters. The following characters cannot be used in the names of files that will be uploaded to D2L: ” * / : < > ? […]

How do students access D2L Quiz feedback and answers?

If you want students to access D2L quiz answers and feedback, you will first want to modify the Submission View(s) associated with the quiz. You can find instructions for modifying Quiz settings, including Submission Views, here. The “Display Questions and Answers after Students have Completed a Quiz” section (at the bottom of the page) will […]