Why are links in HTML pages taking me to other D2L courses?

There are a few reasons why links to D2L tools contained within html pages may take you to the wrong course. There are a couple best practices that will help to ensure that links function properly: Link to D2L tools via Quicklinks. Using Quicklinks rather than hard coding will help to ensure that the links […]

Is there a way to increase feedback recording time in D2L?

Currently the system is set at a 1:00 maximum feedback recording time. If you are hoping to provide lengthier audio feedback, you can record audio in an outside program and then attach the audio file as feedback. Instructions for adding files as feedback in D2L Submission folders are found in our D2L Submissions guide.  

Where can I use replace strings in D2L?

You can use replaces strings (e.g., {firstname} as a replace string for a student’s first name), in D2L Intelligent Agents, News items, and in the headers and footers of Quizzes. The following replace strings are frequently used: {firstname} = first name {lastname} = last name {orgunitname} = course offering name Please note that replace strings […]

Can students from separate sections successfully self-enroll into the same D2L Group?

Yes. While students enrolled in separate sections in a manually combined course in D2L do not see one another in the Classlist, they can self-enroll into D2L Groups with students that are not enrolled in their section. They can also view and interact with their group members via tools restricted to their D2L Group. NOTE: […]

Can I email panoptoadmin@depaul.edu for support?

Students and faculty should not email panoptoadmin@depaul.edu. Panoptoadmin@depaul.edu is a system email (infrastructure), and it is not an appropriate avenue of support. Instead, students should contact the Technology Support Center (TSC) if they need assistance with Panopto. They can email or call the TSC, and the contact information is found here. Instructors can also contact […]

How do I access our D2L cloud sites or QUA?

These are the links to our different cloud sites.  For some of the authentication ones you may have to log in twice: D2L cloud hosted pre-prod no auth https://depaul.brightspace.com/login.asp D2L cloud QUA no auth https://depaulqua.brightspace.com/d2l/login?noredirect=1 D2L cloud QUA with ADFS https://depaulqua.brightspace.com/ Things to know: The content and features will change frequently. Don’t be alarmed. Do […]