When a course has been cross-listed, the course with the lowest PeopleSoft number will appear in D2L. NOTE: the PeopleSoft number is not the same as the course number. You can locate the PeopleSoft numbers by searching for the course(s) in Campus Connect.
Can I embed ARES E-Reserves videos in a D2L course?
You will need the assistance of a D2L admin to complete this process. If the E-Reserves video has been added to Panopto, then you can directly embed the video in a D2L course. You may need to search all Panopto content in order to locate the video, and you will need to ensure the permissions […]
When do scheduled D2L Intelligent Agents send out emails?
D2L intelligent agents send out emails around 2:00 pm. You can read more about Intelligent Agents in our Intelligent Agents guide.
What happens if a student is re-enrolled in a D2L course?
If a student is unenrolled and then re-enrolled in a D2L course, their work will reappear when they are added back (their data is stored and retained).
Why don’t anchor links work in D2L?
If you add anchor links to an HTML page in D2L, they won’t work if you use the <a name> tag, because the XML empty element syntax isn’t supported in text/html (it only worked in HTML4). You need to use <a id> instead.
Why can’t students “Start a New Thread” or “Reply to Thread” in a D2L Discussion Topic?
There is a known issue where if a student copies and pastes bad HTML code into their D2L discussion post, the Discussion topic will break and the Start a New Thread and Reply to Thread buttons will no longer be clickable. This happens if they copy in <div> tags. This issue requires the help of […]
How do I use two Rubrics for one D2L Submission folder?
In some cases, instructors will be teaching a combined section class that is comprised of grad students and undergrad students. Usually with courses like this, instructors will have assignments that are the same for both sections but the evaluation is different. Typically to handle this situation we create two Submission folders and set section restrictions […]
Can I use Turnitin outside of D2L Submission folders?
Instructors can use Turnitin outside of D2L Submission folders by requesting and using a standalone Turnitin account. In order to request a standalone Turnitin account, please send the following information to lmsadmin@depaul.edu: First Name Last Name DePaul Email Address (you must use your DePaul email address) Turnitin provides guides that will help you to use […]
Why can’t I find an older course in D2L?
Per DePaul University’s Records and Retention Policy, Information Services/Faculty Instructional Technology Services retains online instructor materials for a minimum of five years from the end of the course. Materials may be available after that five-year period, but instructors should not depend on such availability. The records and retention policy was updated during Autumn Quarter of […]
Why don’t Calculated Grade items recognize Grade Category settings in D2L?
Calculated grade items ignore D2L grade category settings that drop highest or lowest scored items. So, calculated grade items will total a score based on all of the grade items (even if that’s not what you intended). This issue occurs regardless of whether you choose Milestone grade calculation or Final grade calculation in the calculated […]