Students are not removed from D2L once they graduate. In addition to D2L, students retain access to Campus Connect. Students will use the same login credentials for D2L and Campus Connect, and may need to reset their Campus Connect password to login. Courses may not be available after a certain time has passed, however, as […]
How do I correct scores for revised quiz questions in a D2L quiz?
It happens to everyone who uses online quizzes eventually—you find out that wrong answer option was marked as correct for one of the questions on your quiz after students have taken it. Now you’ll need to correct your students’ quiz scores. Sometimes this has to be done manually, but in some cases, D2L provides a […]
If I update a question after students have taken a quiz, will D2L automatically update their scores?
Unfortunately D2L doesn’t automatically re-grade a question if you edit it after students have taken a quiz. You will need to manually update their scores, and there are a few different ways to do this. Re-grade just the quiz question that you updated. You can manually update students’ scores for a question if they didn’t […]
Can I curve grades in D2L?
You can curve grades in D2L by creating a formula grade item. Here’s the formula you’ll need to input: ( ( Original Score * 4 ) / 5 ) + X = Curved Score For the Original Score, select the grade item for the assignment. X is a number of points, and the amount X […]
How do I replace a file throughout a D2L course?
To replace a file in a D2L course site, first ensure the document names are the same. (They must be exact.) Then, follow these steps: Click Edit Course on the course navigation bar. Click Manage Files. Click the Upload icon above the list of files. Select Upload from the pop-up window, then select the replacement […]
How do I separate students by Groups in a combined section of a D2L course?
To separate students in a D2L course site when two sections of the course have been combined, you will first need to obtain a list of the course sections and the students enrolled each one. Then, you’ll need to create a group for each section in D2L and enroll the appropriate students in it. Follow […]
Why doesn’t my student have a D2L grade for the SoftChalk lesson?
Within the SoftChalk lesson, students must push the Finish button at the end of the lesson, as well as Check Answer for each question. The Check Answer button grades that question and assigns points, and the Finish button at the end is what transmits the score to the D2L Grades area.
How can I get help using D2L?
If you’d like help using D2L, you can work with Faculty Instructional Technology Services (FITS). There are a few options for receiving assistance: Complete D2L Essentials. D2L Essentials is a set of self-paced tutorials that cover D2L basics. The tutorials are a great introduction for beginners, and great refresher for returning faculty. You can read more […]
How can I move content from .doc to .html?
You can update/move/migrate content from a document to an HTML file by following these instructions: Download the .doc file. Open Dreamweaver and create a new HTML document. Switch view to Design view (View > Design in menu bar). Go to File > Import > Word Document. Note: A Word Document can only be imported into Dreamweaver […]
Can D2L administrators share a screenshot of a D2L course site with other people?
No. Because of FERPA restrictions, D2L administrators cannot share screenshots of a D2L course site with anyone not enrolled in the course, nor can D2L administrators show students enrolled in the course screenshots that display any information on other students.