What is Activity Feed? Activity Feed is a new widget that provides instructors with a quick an easy way to engage with students. You’ll notice that it borrows features from familiar social media platforms. It also provides instructors with an easy way to share class announcements, files, links to existing activities like quizzes. What makes this […]
Tag: news
If a D2L course is inactive, and a student is subscribed to News notifications, will they receive a notification when a News item is posted?
If a D2L course is inactive, and a student is subscribed to News notifications, they will not receive a notification when a News item is posted. More information about notifications is found in the D2L Notifications guide, and a guide to setting your D2L course to active is found here.
Can I hide a Panopto video from students?
Yes. You can hide the video within the Panopto folder, by using the video’s availability settings. Changing a Panopto Video’s Availability Settings Navigate to the appropriate Panopto folder. Locate the video you would like to hide. Choose the Settings icon beneath the video. The Overview section will open. Scroll to the Availability area, located at […]
Where can I use replace strings in D2L?
You can use replaces strings (e.g., {firstname} as a replace string for a student’s first name), in D2L Intelligent Agents, News items, and in the headers and footers of Quizzes. The following replace strings are frequently used: {firstname} = first name {lastname} = last name {orgunitname} = course offering name Please note that replace strings […]