Can students use a calculator while in Respondus LockDown Browser?

It is possible to provide students access to a calculator they can use while taking D2L quizzes in Respondus LockDown Browser. In order to provide students access to a calculator in the LockDown Browser, you follow these steps: Navigate to the Quizzes area of D2L. Navigate to the “LockDown Browser” area (one of the links […]

Can I associate a selectbox grade item with a Submission folder?

No, you cannot associate a selectbox grade item with a Submission folder, or with any other D2L tool. The only type of grade item that you can associate with a Submission folder, or any other tool in D2L (i.e., Discussions or Quizzes), is a numeric grade item. Numeric grade items allow you to grade users […]

How do students access D2L Quiz feedback and answers?

If you want students to access D2L quiz answers and feedback, you will first want to modify the Submission View(s) associated with the quiz. You can find instructions for modifying Quiz settings, including Submission Views, here. The “Display Questions and Answers after Students have Completed a Quiz” section (at the bottom of the page) will […]

Where can I use replace strings in D2L?

You can use replaces strings (e.g., {firstname} as a replace string for a student’s first name), in D2L Intelligent Agents, News items, and in the headers and footers of Quizzes. The following replace strings are frequently used: {firstname} = first name {lastname} = last name {orgunitname} = course offering name Please note that replace strings […]

If I update a question after students have taken a quiz, will D2L automatically update their scores?

Unfortunately D2L doesn’t automatically re-grade a question if you edit it after students have taken a quiz. You will need to manually update their scores, and there are a few different ways to do this. Re-grade just the quiz question that you updated. You can manually update students’ scores for a question if they didn’t […]