Word documents with large tables/charts embedded in them may not display properly in the document viewer inside D2L. This includes on the grading screen, and this is a known issue. If it is important that these items display as intended, it is recommended that the files be saved and uploaded as PDF files. Please note […]
Tag: submissions folder
What file types do the D2L Submission folders accept?
A list of file types accepted by D2L Submission folders is found here. Other Things to Keep in Mind: Files must be 1 GB or smaller. Pages documents will be accepted but generally can’t be read from within D2L and cannot be used with Annotations. So, save Pages documents as .doc o .pdf or download […]
Why am I getting an “Oops, your file could not be uploaded” error message in D2L?
If you are getting the “Oops, your file could not be uploaded” error message in D2L, there could be a few reasons why. Your file or folder name contains special characters. The following characters cannot be used in the names of files that will be uploaded to D2L: ” * / : < > ? […]
Is there a way to increase feedback recording time in D2L?
Currently the system is set at a 1:00 maximum feedback recording time. If you are hoping to provide lengthier audio feedback, you can record audio in an outside program and then attach the audio file as feedback. Instructions for adding files as feedback in D2L Submission folders are found in our D2L Submissions guide.
Can students view Submission folder feedback once the folder has ended?
Yes! The View button for Submission folder feedback does not change after the folder closes (ends). The View button takes students to a screen to see the rubric, grade, and attached feedback files (or whatever was associated with the folder submission). Students can find instructions for accessing feedback provided via Submission folders here. More information […]
What happens if a student is re-enrolled in a D2L course?
If a student is unenrolled and then re-enrolled in a D2L course, their work will reappear when they are added back (their data is stored and retained).
How do I use two Rubrics for one D2L Submission folder?
In some cases, instructors will be teaching a combined section class that is comprised of grad students and undergrad students. Usually with courses like this, instructors will have assignments that are the same for both sections but the evaluation is different. Typically to handle this situation we create two Submission folders and set section restrictions […]
Can I use Turnitin outside of D2L Submission folders?
Instructors can use Turnitin outside of D2L Submission folders by requesting and using a standalone Turnitin account. In order to request a standalone Turnitin account, please send the following information to lmsadmin@depaul.edu: First Name Last Name DePaul Email Address (you must use your DePaul email address) Turnitin provides guides that will help you to use […]
How do I restore an archived rubric in D2L?
Here are the steps you’ll need to take to restore an archived rubric in D2L: Go to the Rubrics tool, i.e., click Edit Course in the navigation bar, then Course Administration, then click Rubrics. Click the Show Search Options link, which appears above the list of rubrics to the right of the search text box. A list […]
How do I grade student files that weren’t submitted to a D2L Submission folder?
Sometimes students complete an assignment but don’t submit it to a Submission folder. D2L will let you enter feedback through a Submission folder even if students haven’t submitted a file. Navigate to Submissions. Locate the Submission folder in the list, and click on the name of the folder to open the submissions. Change the Submissions […]