Following a D2L upgrade during the Summer of 2017, instructors are now able to subscribe to notification emails triggered by students submitting to a Submission folder. In order to subscribe to these email notifications, you follow these instructions:
- Navigate to the Submissions area of your course.
- Locate the Submission folder in the list. Click the arrow to the right of the folder’s name in order to release a dropdown menu of options.
- Choose Edit Folder.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Properties tab.
- Within the Notification Email field, input your email.
- Click Save and Close at the bottom of the page.
We recommend subscribing to notification emails when monitoring a student that is working to complete a course for which they received an “incomplete” (so you do not need to check in as frequently). We also recommend subscribing to notification emails on Submission folders that are used intermittently throughout the quarter, such as an Extra Credit submission folder that has no set due date. You may also want to subscribe to notification emails on folders after their Due Dates, provided you are not using End Dates that lock students from submitting; this will help you to monitor late submissions.
If you subscribe to notification emails on a Submission folder, that setting stays intact during course copies and course component copies (more information on completing course copies is found here). So, you may have subscribed to notification emails in a previous quarter that no longer make sense in your current course and context. To remove the notification email subscription, you follow the same steps above, with this modification to step #5: Within the Notification Email field, remove your email.