Can I email for support?

Students and faculty should not email is a system email (infrastructure), and it is not an appropriate avenue of support. Instead, students should contact the Technology Support Center (TSC) if they need assistance with Panopto. They can email or call the TSC, and the contact information is found here. Instructors can also contact […]

How do I access our D2L cloud sites or QUA?

These are the links to our different cloud sites.  For some of the authentication ones you may have to log in twice: D2L cloud hosted pre-prod no auth D2L cloud QUA no auth D2L cloud QUA with ADFS Things to know: The content and features will change frequently. Don’t be alarmed. Do […]

Does impersonating a student in Panopto actually show what students see?

Only D2L admins can impersonate students in D2L. Impersonating a student in Panopto does show you what the student sees, but sometimes when you impersonate the student, Panopto doesn’t take the change right away. To be sure that the change takes: Impersonate the student Open Panopto from the course. Log out of Panopto. When prompted […]

Can students view Submission folder feedback once the folder has ended?

Yes! The View button for Submission folder feedback does not change after the folder closes (ends). The View button takes students to a screen to see the rubric, grade, and attached feedback files (or whatever was associated with the folder submission). Students can find instructions for accessing feedback provided via Submission folders here. More information […]

Can you prevent students from editing D2L discussion posts?

You cannot prevent students from editing Discussion posts on a course-by-course basis, but instructors can see an edit history for discussion posts. In the Threaded View: Click on the title of the student’s post to open the discussion post. Click to release the More Actions dropdown menu for the post. Choose History. In the Reading […]