July 13, 2018 Digication Updates

Classic-to-New Conversion/Migration Tool

The option to upgrade a Classic ePortfolio to New Digication is now available. On July 13th this option will be made available to all schools; however, if your school would like to enable it now for specific people or for all end users at your school, please send a request to our support team at support@digication.com.

Your community can now choose on a per ePortfolio basis which ePortfolios they would like to upgrade to New Digication. As they upgrade, a copy of their ePortfolio structure and content will be placed in a New Digication ePortfolio. They will continue to retain access to their Classic version for as long as they like, making the transition as smooth as possible.  Documentation for the Upgrade tool can be found on Digication’s Help Desk, here:  https://support.digication.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006569432-Upgrade-Your-Classic-ePortfolio-to-New-Digication

Apply Styles

The new Apply Styles feature will be live on July 13th, along with documentation Digication’s help desk.

Our new Apply Styles feature gives you the ability to Customize a Style and Set it as the Default for all subsequently added modules. Additionally, it will be possible to Share a Style, which applies the selected style options to all existing text and media modules on a given page.

These features make it easy to provide a consistent design look and feel without the need to customize each module individually.

Additionally, the style panel will provide a number of new advanced options, including font family, font size, font color, alignment and padding customizations for:

  • Headings
  • Quotes
  • Equations
  • Links
  • Bullet Lists

If you have questions or feedback, as always, we encourage you to reach out to our team at support@digication.com.